Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Research
Third-Party Funded Projects

Third-Party-Funded Projects at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

BMBF and BMWI-Projects

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) provide financial support for research projects in all areas of science.

DFG Funding

Through its coordinated programmes, the German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) supports cooperative and predominantly interdisciplinary research. A distinction is made between Collaborative Research Centres (SFB), Research Units and Priority Programmes. The institutes of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics are involved in the following DFG-funded programmes:

Collaborative Research Centres (SFB)

Collaborative Research Centres (SFB) are institutions established at universities for a period of up to 12 years that enable researchers to porsue an outstanding research programme, crossing the boundaries of disciplines, institutes, departments and faculties. In addition to the local SFB, there is also the variant SFB/Transregio, which is supported by two or three university locations.

Research Units

A Research Units (FOR) is a cloce cooperation usually lasting six years, made up of a team of researchers working together on a joint research project.

Priority Programmes

A particular feature of the Priority Programme is the nationwide cooperation between its participating researchers. The DFG Senate may establish Priotity Programmes when the coordinated support given to the area in question promises to produce particular scientific gain.

Research Training Groups

Research Training Groups are established by universities to promote early-career researchers and are funded by the DFG for a period of up to nine years.