Faculty of Mathematics and Physics News
Dates for the Mathematics-Physics Colloquium Winter Semester 2018/19

Dates for the Mathematics-Physics Colloquium Winter Semester 2018/19

The colloquium takes place on Tuesdays 17:15 to 18:30 in Lecture Room B302 (main building; Welfenschloss). Before the lecture there is the opportunity for informal discussion outside the lecture room from 16:45.

Questions should be addressed to the organisers Prof. Dr. Ulrich Derenthal (derenthal@math.uni-hannover.de) and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ertmer (ertmer@iqo.uni-hannover.de).



23.10.18 Hendrik Weimer (Hannover)

Inaugural lecture as part of the Habilitation
Driven-dissipative quantum many-body systems

06.11.18 Valentin Blomer (Göttingen)

Arithmetic meets quantum chaos: eigenvalue statistics of tori

13.11.18 Merve Wollweber (Hannover)

Inaugural lecture as part of the Habilitation
Multimodal optical spectroscopy

20.11.18 Rudolf Grübel (Hannover)

Exaugural lecture
Stochastik: Braucht man das, oder kann das weg? (Stochastics: Do we need it or can it go?)

04.12.18 Dierk Schleicher (Bremen)

Newton’s method as an unexpectedly efficient root finder and as an interesting dynamical system

08.01.19 Ihar Babushkin (Hannover)

Inaugural lecture as part of the Habilitation
Clocking with attosecond precision: ionization, tunnelling and causality

29.01.19 Markus Aspelmeyer (Vienna)